About 5 years ago, I lost the custom site name for this blog. I procrastinated on the renewal and a spammy company took my URL and redirected my readership to nowhere land. I found an opportunity to buy back my URL for 5 figures, scoffed at it, and carried on with life.
Recently, I randomly checked for the availability of my old URL and it was free again!
My blog is a way to connect my tea ideas and experiences with whomever happens to find it. During my years away from writing, I didn’t expect to miss the community of tea bloggers and blog readers that I got to communicates with on a regular basis; it’s nice to join the party again.
With a backlog of 5+ years of stories to share, I hope kindred spirits will be able to find their way back to this blog and share my enthusiasm for the art and practice of tea.
Drink good tea and enrich your life.